Sigrid Keydana (Rstudio, Münich, Germany)
Course description
This short course will introduce you to torch for R, an R-native port of PyTorch that requires no Python installation.
We start by a thorough introduction to the basics that make everything possible: tensors, automatic differentiation,
and neural network modules.
Equipped with that knowledge, participants will explore two applications: time series forecasting and numerical optimization.
While the former showcases renowned deep learning architectures, the latter demonstrates the usefulness of torch as
a high-performance tensor-computation library, going beyond the deep learning context.
All modules will incorporate ample occasion for practice. This course does not presuppose familiarity with either deep learning concepts or frameworks; however, participants should have a basic knowledge of the R programming language, as well as of basic machine learning terminology.
Message to attendees
Hi, thanks for registering for Practical deep learning with R! I am looking forward to teaching the course.
Please install the following libraries before the course (all may be installed from CRAN):
The single most important here is torch, but the others will be used in some of the exercises.
To check if torch was installed successfully, please run
and check for the expected result
[ CPUFloatType{1} ]
If you have problems installing torch, please open an issue at
Finally, it would make sense to clone the tutorial repository
before we start.