Poster session
- P1: Compromise clustering for quaternion time-series and its application for gait analysis in Multiple Sclerosis, Pierre Drouin, Bellanger Lise, Stamm Aymeric, Chevreuil Laurent, Graillot Vincent, Laplaud David, abstract
- P2: Abundance and distribution of the blue shark in the Bay of Biscay, Lea Pautrel, Rindra Ranaivomanana, Emma Rouault, Mathieu Genu, Matthieu Authier, Marie-Pierre Etienne, abstract
- P3: Understanding Variations in Mean Polyps Detection as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for Endoscopists in England: A Simulation Study, Kharati Ehsan, Wagnild Janelle, Catlow Jamie, Lu Liya, Sharp Linda, Matt Rutter, Kasim Adetayo, abstract
- P4: Comparison of statistical methods for estimating the effect of time-varying treatment on the risk of adverse event, Manitchoko Liliane, abstract
- P5: Robustness of Supervised Clustering Methods to Different Types of Inactive Variables, Marion Rebecca, Lederer Johannes, Govaerts Bernadette, Von Sachs Rainer, abstract
- P6: Predicting yield in new environments from a variety-testing trial network using random regression models, Ramakers Jip, Bustos-Korts Daniela, Boer Martin, Kruijer Willem, Van Eeuwijk Fred, abstract
- P7: Non-parametric clustering of longitudinal functional data with application to NMR spectra of 18 kidney transplant patients, Xie Minzhen, Houwing-Duistermaat Jeanine, Liu Haiyan, abstract