Invited sessions



The opening Channel Network Conference Keynote presentation will be given by Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat (University of Leeds, School of Mathematics, Statistics Institute) -

Statistical sciences and interdisciplinary research.



The closing Keynote presentation will be given by Mathias Drton (Technical University of Munich, Department of Mathematics) - See a short biography here. -

Causal discovery from observational data.



Invited Sessions

Integrating and analyzing data from different sources (Data Integration)

A systemic understanding of complex systems, such as molecular deregulation in human disease, requires the joint processing and analysis of data from different modalities. This integrative approach has especially gained traction in the molecular life sciences where high-throughput technology can collectively quantify a molecular totality, such as the genome, the proteome, or the metabolome. This session highlights the latest challenges and methods in high-dimensional omics data integration.

Invited speakers:

  • Cornelia van Duijn (Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, UK)
    • Integrating and analysing -omics data from different sources in Alzheimer research - Abstract
  • Sébastien Déjean (University of Toulouse, Toulouse Mathematics Institute)
    • mixOmics: an R package for the integration of biological data sets - Abstract
  • Renee Menezes (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Biostatistics Unit)
    • Multi-omics data analysis using sets of variables: many needles in multiple haystacks - Abstract


Statistical modeling in movement ecology

Organism mobility is a fundamental characteristic of life. The emerging field of Movement Ecology is providing spatio-temporal data on the processes that drive mobility. Understanding these processes holds great promise for many pressing problems, such as wildlife conservation and the spread of animal-borne (zoonotic) diseases. This session highlights the current frontier of statistical methods that support inference about organismic trajectories.  

Invited speakers:

  • Marie-Pierre Etienne (Agrocampus Ouest)
    • Identifying stationnary phases in animal movement - Abstract.
  • Richard Glennie (University of St Andrews, Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modeling)
    • Modelling latent animal movement in distance sampling and spatial capture-recapture - Abstract.
  • Kamran Safi (Max Planck Institute for Ornithology)
    • Deciphering the traces of animal-environment interactions by interpreting position through time: The challenges of making sense of movement data from an ecologist's perspective - Abstract.
  • Amédée Roy (Institute of Research for Development, UMR MARBEC, Montpellier)
    • Predicting Marine Birds Foraging Behaviour with Deep Learning - Abstract.


Infectious diseases

Short description not yet available

Invited speakers:

  • Deborah Ashby (Imperial College London, Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health)
    • Statistical Preparedness in a pandemic - Abstract
  • Boris Hejblum (University of Bordeaux)
    • Leveraging random effects to estimate the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on epidemic dynamics across French regions - Abstract
  • Niel Hens (Hasselt University, Center for Statistics – CenStat)
    • Mathematical and statistical epidemiology of COVID-19 in Belgium used to inform decision making - Abstract


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